We understand and accept our responsibility towards the community and the environment.
In the ProService Finteco we face challenges and strive for continuous growth.
However, this development is always based on creating a responsible business guided by the best
practices that accompany our daily work and that are reflected in the principles of our
ESG Policy, which we make available to you.
ESG program at ProService Finteco:

G – Corporate governance
We live our values through clear policies and defined rules and procedures.
Equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion
The concept of diversity management in the ProService Finteco is based on 3 concepts – equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion – which is reflected in our employment structure.
We pay particular attention to parities. As one of the few companies in the financial market, we can boast almost 50% of women in the company and an equally high percentage of female employees who hold managerial positions.

Our ESG initiatives

ProService Finteco supported the SOS Children's Villages Association
ProService Finteco supported the SOS Children's Villages Association.
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ProService Finteco Group signs Diversity and Inclusion Declaration
ProService Finteco has signed the Diversity and Inclusion Declaration on building a supportive work environment.
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ProService Finteco Group has joined the UN Global Compact
ProService Finteco Group has joined the UN Global Compact – the world's largest initiative bringing together businesses working for sustainable development.
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ProService with green office certificate.
We are pleased to announce that after the audit carried out by the Foundation for Environmental Education we received the Green Office certificate. Applying for the certificate was related to the adopted ESG policy, which includes, among others, creating a friendly working environment and environmental education.
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More than 50% of our employees are women.
“The one who wants looks for a method; the one who does not want looks for a reason” – this aphorism by the Polish writer Stefan Żeromski perfectly reflects Emilia’s attitude to action!
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Let's help Ukraine
Right now, what we can do together is show support for our neighbors who are facing one of their worst nightmares: war. As ProService Finteco, we cannot remain indifferent. We stand in solidarity with the all the Ukrainian people and try to support our Ukrainian colleagues who work with us on a daily basis, as well as the entire Ukrainian community.
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Policies applicable in the ProService Finteco
In the ProService Finteco we actively support a preventive approach to environmental problems, take initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility, and support the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
- ABSL Diversity Declaration
In the ProServce Finteco we comply with prohibitions on discrimination and take necessary efforts to respect diversity in the workplace. We create organizational culture based on mutual respect, equal treatment, access to development opportunities and using the potential of employees regardless of their ethnic origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, nationality,citizenship, religion, political beliefs or union membership. We strive to ensure reasonable diversity in the selection of personnel within our business (including recruitment processes), while maintaining the primacy of knowledge, professional competence and social skills.
As members of ABSL, in 2020 we signed the Diversity and Inclusion Declaon building a supportive work environment. - Charity
In the ProService Finteco we have long supported charitable organizations. We want to be a responsible partner, a good neighbor and contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of those in need. We also place emphasis on equal opportunities, gender balance and the creation of appropriate working conditions for our employees; we not only support their development but also offer them material support.
- Anti-Harassment Policy for companies from the group
In the ProService Finteco an internal Anti-Harassment Policy sets out the procedure for dealing with situations of harassment and the rights and obligations of employees in such a situation.
- Privacy Policy and Data Processing Policy
In the ProService Finteco the Privacy Policy sets out the principles that inform Users of the Website about aspects of obtaining, processing, using and securing data about users of the Website, while the Data Processing Policy contains information about the processing of personal data by ProService Finteco.
- Regulations for the Prevention of Conflicts of Interest
In the ProService Finteco we have developed internal regulations to prevent conflicts of interest and protect confidential information within the company.
- Anti-Corruption Policy
In the ProService Finteco we have zero tolerance for any form of corruption. Corruption runs counter to our efforts to be a responsible company. We want to actively participate in business as a responsible and trustworthy company. Our zero-tolerance policy on corruption applies to all of us, as well as to associates and business partners acting on our behalf. All executives are required to take a key role in creating an organizational culture in which corruption will not have a chance to exist and is unacceptable in any form.
- Information Security Policy
In the ProService Finteco information security procedures are an integral part of our overall system of internal control. We make sure that our resources are protected from loss or unauthorized use.
- Signaling mechanism and signaller protection
Employees and other Third Parties performing activities on behalf of the ProService Finteco may report potential violations.

ProService Finteco observes and applies the United Nations Global Compact principles in its operations.