Depository services for closed-end investment funds

Depository services for closed-end investment funds are provided by Investment Funds Depositary Services (IFDS) whose shareholders are 50% Ipopema Securities and 50% ProService Finteco.

The decision to grant IFDS a brokerage license was made by the Financial Supervision Commission on 28 September 2023.

IFDS services include:

  • Storage of investment fund assets.
  • Keeping a record of all assets of the investment fund.
  • Ensuring that the investment fund’s cash is kept in cash accounts and bank accounts maintained by entities authorized to maintain such accounts in accordance with the provisions of Polish law or meeting the requirements set forth in Community law in this regard or equivalent to these requirements.
  • Ensuring the monitoring of the investment fund’s cash flow.
  • Ensuring that the sale and repurchase of units and the issuance, issuance and redemption of investment certificates are carried out in accordance with the law and the investment fund’s articles of association.
  • Ensuring that the settlement of contracts for investment fund assets occurs without unreasonable delay, and control the timely settlement of contracts with fund participants.
  • Ensuring that the net asset value of the investment fund and the net asset value per unit or investment certificate are calculated in accordance with the law and the investment fund’s articles of association.
  • Ensuring that the investment fund’s income is used in a manner consistent with the law and the investment fund’s articles of association.
  • Carrying out the instructions of the investment fund, unless they are contrary to the law or  the investment fund’s articles of association.
  • Verifying the compliance of the operation of the investment fund with the laws regulating the activities of investment funds or with the articles of association to an extent other than that arising from items 5-8 and taking into account the interests of participants.
Link to the IFDS website: IFDS – Investment Funds Depositary Services S.A. – IFDS – Investment Funds Depositary Services S.A.

W czym możemy Ci pomóc?

Oferujemy prowadzenie księgowości spółki, wliczając w to:
  • ewidencjonowanie dokumentów w księgach,
  • prowadzenie ewidencji środków trwałych oraz wartości niematerialnych i prawnych,
  • prowadzenie ewidencji zakupu i sprzedaży dla potrzeb podatku od towarów i usług,
  • kalkulowanie bieżących zobowiązań z tytułu podatku dochodowego oraz sporządzanie deklaracji VAT,
  • wysyłanie JPK,
  • sporządzanie jednostkowych rocznych sprawozdań finansowych zgodnie z wymogami ustawy o rachunkowości,
  • sporządzanie rocznych deklaracji podatkowych,
  • sporządzanie i składanie deklaracji do innych instytucji GUS, KNF i inne,
  • okresowe raportowanie wyników do Klienta w tym bieżącego stanu rozrachunków.
Podmiotów obsługiwanych w ramach księgowości korporacyjnej

Need assistance?

You don’t know which solution suits your problem? We will be happy to talk about all the details.

Tomasz Kowalik

Sales Director of the ProService Finteco Group

+48 668 837 348

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