Identity Hub

Identity Hub

 The ability to choose the right identity verification method tailored to the specifics and nature of your business.

Identity Hub at ProService Finteco gives you

  • the ability to choose from proven, secure and scalable solutions for your business.
  • great time savings through efficient implementation without the need for engaging in-house resources.

Video Verification

Verify your customer’s identity in a quick, secure, and most importantly, convenient manner, without leaving home. You only need a computer, tablet or smartphone to verify identity and enter into a contract remotely.

Durable Medium

Provide access to documents to your customers with the use of a durable information medium, which guarantees the invariability of records and access to them, also after the end of the customer’s cooperation with a given institution.

PSD2 Open Banking

Confirm the customer's identity based on information about their accounts held at financial institutions. This method uses an EU directive that allows external parties to access the above information.


Give your own customers the ability to verify their identity with just a few clicks. Data verification takes place by the customer logging in to the electronic banking service, which initiates the provision of data by the Identity Provider.

ID card with an electronic layer

Verify identity with an ID card with an electronic chip that stores identification data and biometric photo. Confirmation of identity is done using the eDO App linked to the e-card.

Authorization by wire transfer

Securely verify the customer's identity with a symbolic transfer of 1 PLN. Once the transaction is registered, the system checks the account owner's details against the information provided by the customer in the application.