IT Solutions

How can we help your company?

With many years of experience in the investment sector, we are aware that the proper functioning and provision of services at the highest level is possible not only thanks to the extensive competence of our employees, but also thanks to the use of modern IT solutions that support and accelerate all processes related to financial management.

We provide state-of-the-art, fully parameterized web-based fund solutions for distributors (B2B) and participants (B2C).
We are a developer of solutions supporting TFI operations in the field of asset valuation, asset management, AML handling or data warehousing.

180 +
Institutions using implemented apps
300 +
150 +
Implemented projects annually
Test operations a day

Identity Hub

Czytaj dalej

Wdrożenie OIPE

Czytaj dalej

Discover our products

Choose from solutions already used by dozens of companies in the banking sector. See how they can improve the work of your company.

Asset Valuation System

Continuity of operation during crisis

Service of electronic transmission of correspondence

Distributor support for FI customers

BI / reporting system / HD

JU B2C distribution: video-verification, mobile application, language versions

Turbine Asset Manager remote contact with customers

Support for video verification in any application

The ability to choose the right identity verification method

Generating reports and calculating computational indicators

Do you need assistance?

You don’t know which solution suits your needs? We are happy to talk to you about the details.

Tomasz Kowalik

Sales Director of the ProService Finteco Group

+48 668 837 348

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